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Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Tugas Softskill


  • Jenis Surat
Dalam bahasa inggris ada dua jenis surat, yaitu surat resmi ( formal ) dan surat tidak resmi ( informal. Pengertian surat resmi ( formal ) adalah surat yang digunakan untuk kepentingan resmi, baik perseorangan, instansi, maupun organisasi, sedangkan pengertian surat tidak resmi ( informal ) digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi atau berisi hal yang bersifat pribadi. Berikut ini contoh surat resmi ( formal ) dan surat tidak resmi ( informal ) dalam bahasa inggris :
1.  Surat resmi ( formal )
Formal Letter Example
-- No name here! --
Wiesenacker 25A
D-99533 WeiteweltHealth Action Charity
Ms Janet Wallace
Baker Street 8
NW 1 9 SJ London
United Kindom

October 7 2001
Job Application: Organiser

Dear Ms Janet Wallace,

I am very interested in the job you have offered. But first some information about myself. I'm 33 years old and unmarried. I trained as a secretary and I have a lot of job experience in organisation. Also I worked as an assistant to high level manages for two years. My mother tongue is German and I speak English fluently, I also speak Spanish and Portuguese. For further information please find my enclosed C.V.

Could you give me some information about this job? How many hours per week and on which days in the week this job will be? Do I have to travel? If yes, how often, how long, where and when will it be? Which languages do I have to speak, and how much holiday am I entitled to? Finally the most important question: What is the salary?

I hope I can support Health Action Charity with my experience, qualities and anthusiasme.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Otto Raffzahn

Enc: CV

2.  Surat tidak resmi ( informal )
Wiesenacker 25A
D-99533 Weitewelt
Mr. Thomas Elliot
37 Castle Stree

October 7 2001
Dear Thomas,

Thanks for the invitation to your party on Saturday, the 29th November. I 'd love to come but unfortunately I can't. I 'm so sorry, but at that weekend my grandmother is celebrating her birthday. It is her 80th birthday. This will be a big family party and I can't refuse. It's a great pity. I haven't seen you for ages and I'm interested in finding out what was happened since our last meeting.

I can tell you some news about me. I changed my job and I moved to Weitewelt in Bavaria. I work as a programmer now. Important news: I have a new girlfriend. I get on with her very well and we plan to marry.

You can see there is a lot of news. It would be nice if we can meet soon. So, I would like invite you for a weekend in early December. Is it possible for you? Please write to me what time you and your wife can come. I hope I see you then.



  • Format Surat 

 Format surat dalam bahasa inggris yang saya tahu hanya ada dua, yaitu : 
  1. Surat full block style.
  2.  Surat semi block style.
Berikut ini ada contoh surat untuk masing-masing format, sebagai berikut:
1.  Surat full block style
Jalan Panglima Polim Jakarta
No. Phone (021) 91994067

Date : 13 April 2008
No letter : 01315/A1/LL/Vl/2008
Attachments : 1 sheet containing the composition of events
Page : Exhibition Balinese Gamelan in the Framework of Education Day 2008

Yth. Head of elementary, junior high, high school Abdi Karya Foundation
in Serpong, Banten

We submit that in the framework of the National Education Day on May 2,2007 will be held the award ceremony to the Office of Ministry of Education Archives National Archives at the Head Office Ministry of National Education Jalan Panglima Polim Jakarta, followed by a performance art event.
With regard to the event, we expect participation in art events referred to by displaying the Balinese gamelan. Rehearsal will be held on Monday, May 30, 2008, at 08.30 pm.
Thus we submit. The participation of Mr / Madam, we thank.

Chairman of the Section Flag Ceremony,
Protocol and Pilgrimage
Education Day 2008

Siska Lestari Silitonga

2.  Surat semi block style
150 Keban Agung Residence Street
Queensland, Brisbane 20009

Ref : DY/NV/7A 17th June, 2012
Mr. Andalusia M.Bob
Personal Manager
Indonesian Mobile Ltd
19 Triangle Street
Brisbane 17020

Dear Mr. Bob
We are considering Mr. Ahsyarudin Putra Omar alamnaharlan for the position of Accounting Manager eith our company. In his application, he mention your name as a reference.

We would appreciate your opinion of Mr. Ahsyarudin’s character, personality, skill and ability to handle accounting and creativity in accounting matters.

Any information you can give us will of course be kept confidential.

Yours sincerely,

Dimas Yuliando

General Manager



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